jeudi 16 juin 2011

Seven things that can help you with your link building campaign

 Seven things that can help you with your link building campaign Many people think that getting links is very difficult or that their website is not attractive enough to get backlinks. There are several things that you can do to get more backlinks to your website. 1. Offer reasons to link to your website What makes your company unique? How are you different to your competitors? Do you offer giveaways or competitions? Are there any news or stories about the people in your company? Create web pages on your website that deal with that content so that other websites can link to these pages. Inform bloggers about your competitions or giveaways and let them review your products. 2. Check your business memberships Are you a member in a business association? Have your company or your products received any awards? What are the governing bodies for your industry? Check if these websites link to your site and try to find new business associations that might be related to your business. 3. Leverage your offline relationships Offline relationship that you have with other businesses, people and publications can often be turned into online relationships that include links to your website. 4. Write testimonials If you like the product of a company, send them a testimonial. Chances are that the the testimonial will be listed on the company website along with a link to your site. 5. Check your audience Which websites, forums and networks are used by your customers? These websites and forums are the sites from which you should get links. 6. Benefit from sponsorships and social activities Does your company sponsor any local activities? Do you support relief organizations? If you do, you can get direct links from the organizer of the activity and you can create linkworthy content on your website by writing about your activities. 7. Check your existing backlinks Analyzing the websites that already link to your website can help you to get an idea of the linkworthy content on your website. You will also learn why other websites link to your site. It is very important that your website gets as many good backlinks as possible if you want to get high rankings on Google. The link manager in IBP helps you to keep track of your link building activities. The link manager also helps you to find related websites, blogs and forums and it also checks the current backlinks to your website. In addition, IBP's link manager checks if the links to your website use the nofollow attribute and it helps you to contact potential link partners. Article by Axandra SEO software

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